Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Profiling your Swift compilation time

When I was going through my tweets, I saw one tweet about swift compiler below which seemed to be interesting to me.

I always interested to know and learn about compilers, debuggers and etc.
Here is the actual link swift-profiling about Profiling your Swift compilation time.

Briefly about that link, we can find the time compiler taking to compile our swift code.

xcodebuild -workspace App.xcworkspace -scheme App clean build 
OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS="-Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies" | grep .[0-9]ms |
 grep -v ^0.[0-9]ms | sort -nr > culprits.txt

Friday, 30 September 2016

How to Sign Out from iCloud Account forcefully in Mac

First Hack after lot of Googling 

I have screwed up with my iCloud account by changing its password and Apple ID.
At last I got stuck into situation where my iCloud Account on my mac uses older Apple ID.  I could not sign out from my iCloud Account in Mac Preferences.

After lot of struggle I got to know that preference files are stored under ~/Library/Preferences/. And then I tried a hack as last resort of trial. I have searched for files which has string "iCloud" under my ~/Library/Preferences/ in Terminal app with the help of below command 

grep -r  "icloud" ~/Library/Preferences/

I got many results. Among them one result is below. 

Binary file /Users/MyUserName/Library/Preferences//MobileMeAccounts.plist matches

I opened that file. I see "Accounts". When Expand that I see below details about my old iCloud details with Account ID and etc. And I confirmed myself that account ID is my older iCloud account and from AccountDescription's value is iCloud. 

I deleted the blue coloured selected Item 0.

Later I opened iCloud Preferences. Now it asked me to login to new iCloud account. 

Yahooo..... My problem solved. Hope this help you. Be careful while deleting iCloud details. Confirm yourself that you are deleting your unwanted old iCloud account. 

How to Sign Out from iCloud Account forcefully in Mac